21. - 25. August 2024

Bernd Caspar Dietrich Serie

Bernd Caspar Dietrich Objekt

Die Wohnmaschine - BetonGold

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21. - 25. August 2024

Bernd Caspar Dietrich Serie

Die Wohnmaschine - BetonGold

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SWISS Art Expo Zürich  21. - 25. August 2024

The idea for the BetonGold series was born during a holiday in France. I spent a few days in Firminy and was able to experience at first hand how the once social architecture is now a burden. During the day, I walked past a very large apartment block whose foundations had the floor plan of the residential units built into it. Then I returned in the evening and the atmosphere was completely different. Like a theatre set, lights went on and off on the now completely dark façade. In this work I used phosphorus, which becomes stronger and then becomes brighter and stronger again.

The second glance, when you switch off the light, the picture becomes a backdrop that suggests fates behind the windows.